Thursday, March 30, 2017


How excited are you to go to recurrent training. Do you find the classes or course boring or dull and do you engage in class participation when able. I am getting ready to take on another class, kinda looking forward to learning something new.

How do you feel about recurrent training and do you prefer CAE over FLight Safety?


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


For anyone flying a Gulfstream 4 knows that once you fly one Gulfstream, you` have flown one Gulfstream. I'm just a little curious as to what are some of the issues that we as pilots face each day. Some problems can be fixed almost immediately but then you have those problems that happens in the air and MX cannot duplicate the situation on the ground. What them ?

any thoughts.......

Monday, April 4, 2011


Ok here is the deal, why do companies and owners want us to pay for recurrent but they don't want to pay. This seems to be the new thing going on. Also we as pilots need to stick together and set a standard across the board for contract flight. Not only do they want us to fly for little or nothing, but also they want to use you as if you mean nothing to them. They don't tip anymore or even say a simple tank you. Also please use the restroom in the terminal before you get on the airplane.......

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ok this one is from a friend. Look at the departure and set it up as though you were flying it. According to what they want you to do , how would you set the needle, to follow the 268 radial or the opposite. Does it matter which way it is set. Considering the fact that its only a radial can you be wrong according to the way you set it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ok whats going on with the economy. I taught bu now the aviation community would have improve a lot more that present state. Also why are companies refusing to pay for training, why do we have to come out of our pockets with half or the whole thing only to end up not getting paid what we expect. You spend years training, building hours so you can make a living doing something you love, only to learn that you have to be in it to love it and not to get rich. Who said you are not suppose to live comfortable.

Hi, How excited are you to go to recurrent training. Do you find the classes or course boring or dull and do you engage in class particip...